Trash Collection

Trash and Recycling is collected on Tuesdays.

In order to continue providing a clean and sanitary building for all of us to enjoy,
please follow these rules when disposing of garbage, recycling and organics:

  • Use heavy-duty, plastic garbage bags (not shopping bags) for disposal of all waste.

  • Securely fasten the bags prior to disposal in the onsite bins and to prevent dripping as the waste is carried from your unit to the onsite bins.  

  • Children’s diapers and pet waste must be DOUBLE bagged in plastic bags prior to disposal and must be placed in garbage bins (not recycling).

  • All waste shall be placed inside, not outside, next to, or on top of the bins and no waste will be left in the hallways or common areas. 

  • If the waste is of such size or nature that it cannot be accommodated by the building’s receptacles, then you must dispose of it off the property at your own expense.

  • DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS (SUCH AS BULKY ITEMS) ON THE CURB, STREET, OR ON THE PREMISES. Doing so is considered illegal dumping and is subject to fines. If a fine is incurred because of your dumping, you must pay for the fine.

  • To reduce the amount of trash disposed each week, the City and State require recycling of paper, newspapers, magazines, plastic bottles, cans, and glasses.

  • Cardboard boxes must be cut into small pieces before disposal in the recycling bins.